Are today's children more emotionally prepared for exams? Diana Todeancă: "There are parents, unfortunately not many, who understand THIS!"
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The host of the show "Părinți Prezenți", Loredana Iriciuc, recently discussed with psychotherapist Diana Todeancă the emotional preparedness of today's children facing exams.

Asked whether these children are more emotionally prepared or not, Diana Todeancă stated: "Fortunately, I believe children are more emotionally prepared now. Or there are more emotionally prepared children because there are parents, not very many, unfortunately. Still, some parents understand the importance and doing something in this regard and offer unconditional love to their children and information about emotions.

Books have emerged, drawings have emerged where all this information is reiterated.

So, information comes from many sources."

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Diana Todeancă: "Before, it operated on a system of fear and that's it"

In a recent discussion on the show "Părinți Prezenți", host Loredana Iriciuc and psychotherapist Diana Todeancă addressed the topic of children's emotional preparedness, comparing past generations with the present.

"Before, it operated on a system of fear and that's it. Many things were done out of fear, and hence the anxieties of the Millennial generation (note: Generation Y, those born between 1981 and 1996) who were raised like this", noted Diana Todeancă, highlighting how fear was the primary driving force behind the actions of many born during that period.

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"When authority appeared, we all became small", added Loredana Iriciuc, host of Părinți Prezenți, reflecting on the impact of authoritative figures on children's behavior and confidence.

Diana Todeancă continued, emphasizing the consequences of this child-rearing approach: "Exactly! And later on, it appeared in jobs, relationships, and many other contexts, and we each know what we're dealing with.

So, I believe and hope that the new generations are better prepared emotionally, but there are exceptions, of course. Some parents don't want to hear about this, aren't interested, don't read, don't educate themselves, and problems arise for the children."

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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc
Categorie: English

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