Claudia Chiru, regarding the current generation of parents: "They want to do things better, but they're not quite equipped with what they need. They end up saying 'YES' to everything!"
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Primary school teacher Claudia Chiru spoke at Parents Present about the current generation of parents.

Claudia Chiru stated that parents have good intentions and want to do things as best as possible for their children; however, many parents are not adequately prepared to provide what a child needs. When parents lack the necessary resources, they end up saying "yes" to every demand of the child, regardless of context, which is not beneficial. This behavior sends conflicting messages and can lead to conflicts.

"Parents have good intentions, and I am convinced that they want to do things better and that they love their children. Nobody has children and then doesn't love them or doesn't want them. They want to do things better.

However, parents are not quite equipped with what they need to pass on to a child. So, if you can't provide for the child because you don't have it, it's a problem. You end up saying 'YES' to everything, you end up doing anything for your child, anywhere, anytime, and it's not okay, you send antagonistic messages. Then you get into disputes and contradictions with teachers who are also of different kinds. There are teachers you can talk to and who want to do their job.

So, if you're not prepared to learn and evolve, and you think you have absolute truth and know about education, finance, economy, how to make pies, how to serve at the table, how to handle scholarships, how to deal with artificial intelligence... Well, you know everything...," Claudia Chiru specified at Parents Present, a show by

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Claudia Chiru: "The child no longer reacts when an authority figure approaches them"

Claudia Chiru has observed that approximately 80% of students are glued to their phones, even while walking through school. Children no longer react to authority figures, and neither do parents always.

"At school, about 80% of children are glued to their phones, they walk through school with their eyes on their phones. If you're not the teacher in that class, or the homeroom teacher, or if they don't know you, they don't pay attention to you!

So, you have to assert yourself by raising your voice, by adopting an attitude that positions you because you no longer receive respect. The child no longer reacts when an authority figure approaches them. They don't react! Not even the parent reacts well anymore.

There are parents whom I thank and congratulate, I want to emphasize this. There are parents we work with wonderfully, who are respectful and grateful, and they enrich our lives and make our lives easier because they do this for themselves, and we are in symbiosis.

But some parents don't", the primary school teacher added.

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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc
Categorie: English

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