Despite recommendations, over 90% of children are exposed to screens. Zamfir: "We've tried to inform parents, but we've been blocked! I think it's not profitable for the medical industry"
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Despite experts' warnings, the majority of young children worldwide are regularly exposed to screens. But why does this happen, you might ask?

Clinical psychologist Marius Zamfir, an expert in the human microbiome and president of the Child Mental Health Association, stated in his study that over 90% of infants and young children worldwide are regularly exposed to screens.

According to the expert, he attempted to launch a campaign titled "Stop Virtual Autism," but encountered blockages from authorities.

To counteract this issue, Marius Zamfir tried to introduce informative materials into the welcome package for newborns and maternity wards. However, he faced absurd obstacles in implementing this plan.

"I believe that if a parent knows about this... We tried and managed for a while to run a campaign. It was called 'Stop Virtual Autism.' Unfortunately, we were blocked by the authorities. I concluded that it's not profitable for the medical industry to have fewer diagnoses. That was my conclusion regarding these state institutions that effectively put up walls.

We reached the point where I said I wanted a flyer and some posters to be included in the baby's package and in maternity wards to inform parents that it's not good to expose a baby to screens.

We obtained some funding and managed to print these things, and the state institutions just had to take these flyers and include them in the baby's package. I concluded that it's just not desired. Some obstacles are put at a level of absurdity. They shuffle you around and pass the buck. 'Not that I didn't say so,' 'go back,' 'come back,' 'not interested,' 'sort it out yourself, you're an NGO.'

Even at the Ministry of Health when we went, they said: 'Yes, very nice study, very interesting, but a national-level study needs to be conducted.' Well, yes, a national-level study needs to be conducted. 'Well, since you're an NGO, do it on European funds.' Well, we came to the Ministry of Health which deals with children's health!" said Marius Zamfir on Părinți Prezenți, a show by

Marius Zamfir: "Over 95% of recommendations from neuropsychiatric doctors involve screen elimination!"

Marius Zamfir highlighted that over 95% of recommendations issued by neuropsychiatric doctors for children with neuropsychiatric disorders or developmental delays include eliminating screen exposure. This finding suggests a significant link between screen use and these health issues.

"At this point, over 95% of recommendations from neuropsychiatric doctors, when a child presents with neuropsychiatric disorders, or developmental delays, 95% of these recommendations include screen elimination.

So, it's clear that a causality link has been established with these screens!

My study was titled 'Excessive Screen Time, more than 4-5h/day, in a child between 0 and 2 years old, can cause some autism-specific elements.' At the very end, I suggested that this form could be called virtual autism. I never said it's necessarily virtual autism. And even there I said that many other studies need to confirm because it was an initial study.

There's a recent study from Japan last year, done on 83,000 children. Indeed, a very small percentage. Many said, 'Well, what does 1.4% mean?'

1.4% of these children can develop autism from screens. That's what the study says! If you multiply 1.4% by 83,000, you'll see it means a very, very large number", further clarified Marius Zamfir.

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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc
Categorie: English

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