Unlocking the secrets: The risks of early diaper farewell and how it affects your child's behavior. Insights from potty trainer Ruxandra Horvath
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Ruxandra Horvath, the first certified consultant in potty training for children in Romania, discussed at Parents Present the possible consequences of giving up diapers too early, before the age of 1 year and 6 months.

The expert emphasized that young children who 'self-train' out of diapers before this age can later develop unexpected behaviors. According to Horvath, these children, in the age range of 3 to 5 years, may exhibit various behaviors, including accidents, even if they were not present initially. This is because these little ones acquire a behavior of holding back, tending to withhold. Popularly speaking, they hold on until the last moment.

"Children who give up diapers on their own before one year and six months, and when I say 'on their own,' I mean it with quotation marks. These are the children who later, around 3 to 5 years old, start to display different behaviors, meaning accidents can occur, even if they weren't present initially. And this is a result of them developing a holding behavior, tending to hold on. As the popular saying goes, they hold on until the last moment.

There is also a myth circulating, namely that when you need to go to the bathroom if you hold on a little longer, you will eventually be able to go less frequently, which is entirely wrong. The best thing for the urinary bladder is to empty it when it sends those signals", Ruxandra Horvath stated on Parents Present, a program by ParintisiPitici.ro.

The first potty trainer in Romania: 'I lean towards a child-oriented approach, as gentle as possible'

Ruxandra Horvath shared her method, emphasizing that the right solution is to assist children in a fun way. In her statement, she highlighted the importance of parents understanding that the process of giving up diapers is a stage in a child's development, and each little one has their own pace in this process. The expert added that similar to walking, eating, or talking, potty training should naturally unfold without rushing things.

"We try to help the child. And children love fun and games. Now parents need to understand that this process is something the child acquires at their own pace. So, just as it happens with walking or eating or talking, we haven't accelerated things in the same way. We should look at potty training in the same light.

I lean towards a child-oriented approach, as gentle as possible. When adults take too much control of the process, the child tends to become anxious or engage in a power struggle because they no longer have control over their own process", Horvath further explained."

Ruxandra Horvath: 'Children don't become more ready in summer than in winter'

Ruxandra Horvath offered advice on the right time to start the potty training process, emphasizing that the choice between summer and winter should not be a fixed rule. In her statement, the first potty trainer in Romania mentioned that, from her perspective, summer might be easier for parents because there are fewer layers of clothing.

"From my perspective, summer is easier for parents because there are fewer clothes, we go to the seaside, it's easier, but in reality, children don't become more ready in summer than in winter. They become ready when their body and the psychological aspect are prepared. It might be a little easier in summer, indeed, but it's not a certainty that if we wait for summer, things will happen exactly as we imagined if the child is not ready", the specialist said.

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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc
Categorie: English

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