How does a child earn money and from when? Roxana Bucur and Andrei Popa: "Parents are worried that their little one might not do anything without money"
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Roxana Bucur and Andrei Popa, the founders of Money4Kids, spoke at "Părinți Prezenți" about how a child can earn money, as well as the appropriate age to do so.

Roxana Bucur maintains that we can offer our children opportunities to work at home or around the house by creating tasks that can evolve into professions, helping them learn values such as responsibility and discipline. These tasks can begin around the age of 4 - 5 years old, and the expert encourages parents to offer only those tasks that bring joy to their children.

Roxana Bucur: "Parents wonder and are worried that their child might not do anything without money."

"How does an adult earn money? By working! So, we create this possibility for them to work, of course at home or around the house, by creating those opportunities for tasks that can later become professions, so they get used to work. What does work mean? Responsibility, discipline, and, of course, the result, namely the financial gain that they will later manage.

From what age? Around 4 - 5 years old, depending on individual characteristics, on how physically capable the child is to perform various tasks: folding clothes, hanging laundry on the wire to dry, and making the bed for other family members. NOT tasks like reading, brushing teeth, or taking a shower. We do these things because they are normal, they are natural, and they help us grow.

But those tasks for others, because for example, he is not responsible for making the bed for others. But because he makes the bed for others, he will receive what is agreed upon together with the child.

Many parents wonder and are worried that their children might not do anything without money. We don't get there! That's why it's necessary to have a discussion beforehand to explain what those tasks are that they can do so that they can be remunerated. I recommend those tasks that bring them joy!", said Roxana Bucur on "Părinți Prezenți", a show by

Andrei Popa: "We encourage children to earn money!"

Children have the opportunity to earn money from a young age, and this is not limited to activities at home, says Andrei Bucur. An example that many parents introduce to the family is caroling, a tradition we also experienced in childhood. This approach encourages children not to receive money without doing anything but to earn it through active involvement.

"Children can earn money quite easily, even from a young age, and not necessarily at home. I'll give you an example that I introduced to my family and experienced when I was a child, namely caroling. We go caroling at least once a year. At that moment, we receive both products and money. Those are the first money that we can manage, meaning we can administer them and see what we can do with them.

It's a way in which we encourage children, not to receive money like, 'Here, dad, 50 lei,' but to encourage them to earn money, meaning to do something to receive that money. As Roxana said, it could become a profession in the future, but at the beginning, through caroling, singing, or dancing, they can showcase certain talents they have. But because they're doing something, they'll be rewarded, and it's the ideal moment for them to see: 'Look, money is coming because I did something'", clarified Andrei Popa.

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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc
Categorie: English

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