How does the child feel about their parents' divorce? Renata Iancu: "Abandonment, loss, sadness, guilt, stigma!"
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Psychologist Renata Iancu spoke on "Present Parents", a show moderated by the editor-in-chief of, Loredana Iriciuc, about what a child feels when their parents divorce.

The expert emphasized that parents' divorce represents a significant challenge to children's psycho-emotional balance and can lead to the emergence of serious dysfunctions. According to the specialist, for children, their parents' divorce primarily means feelings of abandonment. They experience the separation as a profound loss, feeling sadness, guilt, and sometimes even stigma.

"The divorce of parents affects the psycho-emotional balance of children and generates dysfunctions, sometimes major ones.

For children, their parents' divorce means abandonment. They feel this separation as a loss. The child experiences sadness, guilt, and stigma.

The child does not perceive real stigma but rather realizes the absence of a pillar of personal balance. In the absence of this balance, the child changes their behavior.

We can give the example of a cheerful child transforming into a sad child. The child who previously did not lie now feels the need to be seen, not necessarily in a positive way", said Renata Iancu on "Present Parents", a show by

Renata Iancu: "The impact varies depending on their developmental stage"

PHOTO: @Wavebreak Media

Psychologist Renata Iancu emphasized that divorce can occur in children's lives at any age and that its impact varies depending on their stage of development.

"Divorce can happen at any age of young children, and the impact varies depending on their stage of development.

In general, the more capable they are of understanding what is happening and expressing their feelings, the easier it is for them to process the sadness caused by their parents' separation", the expert pointed out.

After the period of uncertainty and guilt experienced by the child, psychologist Renata Iancu highlighted that the following states may arise: "insecurity, distrust, sadness, fear of separation, fear of abandonment".

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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc
Categorie: English

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