How is the soul of a child if they have the Moon in Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn! Daniela Simulescu: "Do not criticize THESE people!"
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Astrologer Daniela Simulescu from DC Media Group, chief editor of, said on 'Present Parents,' a show moderated by chief editor of, Loredana Iriciuc, what it means to have the Moon in each zodiac sign at the time of birth.

Today we will present what it means to have the Moon in the Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn!

Moon in Taurus

Possessiveness is one of the defining traits of children with the Moon in Taurus, a characteristic that can be understood as a profound need for security and safety. Their mother becomes their primary guide in seeking this comfort, planning every aspect of their lives meticulously, yet affectionately. Everything must unfold slowly and carefully to allow the child to feel and process each experience properly.

"A child with the Moon in Taurus needs their rhythm. The archetype of Taurus is that time when spring arrives, but when we want to plant the seedlings, when we put the seeds in the ground. Well, until the seed catches on, it needs to find the right soil, the right temperature, the right air, and the right place.

Children with the Moon in Taurus are very possessive. Their mother takes great care of the child's external needs, but she is also a mother who plans everything, and for that child, throughout life, whether they are a girl or a boy when they have the Moon in Taurus, everything must happen slowly, for them to feel and process everything.

You can't rush a child with the Moon in Taurus, it does them the greatest harm! Because their mother has also educated them: 'We do this, we clean up, then we do the lessons, then I'll hold you, then we play'. And children with the Moon in Taurus have a pronounced aesthetic sense.

For children with the Moon in Taurus, everything is theirs because, to some extent, the mother in the relationship with that child conveys this sense of ownership. 'It's your grandmother's, it's the house, it's your toy,' and so on. And a child with the Moon in Taurus, after learning these things when they are young, grows up and it seems normal to have their things.

A risk with the Moon in Taurus is a very strong attachment to worldly things. If a child with the Moon in Taurus loses a toy, it's not good at all! It's like the end of the world!

One of the vulnerabilities of a person with the Moon in Taurus is that although it might not necessarily be good for them, they prefer to have what's there than to have nothing at all or to feel like they're losing.

But otherwise, the Moon in Taurus is a position, at least from the perspective of astrology theory, that is preferable because the Moon represents emotion, and Taurus represents stability. And when you have a Moon in Taurus, your primary need is for stability and comfort!", asserts Daniela Simulescu on 'Present Parents', a show by

The connection between the position of the Moon at the time of birth and the relationship you have with your mother. Daniela Simulescu: "I call it our soul!"

PHOTO: @rupakray622


Moon in Virgo

A child with the Moon in Virgo constantly questions whether they have been useful enough if they have done everything correctly, and how they can make every action more efficient and optimized. Their mathematical skills and talent in organization are evident, yet these qualities are accompanied by relentless self-criticism. Children with the Moon in Virgo grow up in an environment where perfection is sought in every aspect of their lives, and their mother can be a strong role model in this constant pursuit.

"A child with the Moon in Virgo had a very hardworking mother, who struggled in the early years of life, either with health problems, or was the victim of situations, or had to work to help support the family. The child grows up feeling they must be useful all the time.

Here we are dealing with a situation where the child doesn't want to deal with emotions. Before, we used to think that girls should deal more with emotions and boys less. No! I think here, in both cases, when you have a Moon in Virgo, there is astonishing self-criticism. That is, when you put a child with the Moon in Virgo alone in a room, they will start criticizing themselves, like 'What did I do to be left alone here?' 'I didn't clean up, I didn't tidy up my toys?' 'What did I do wrong?' They constantly grow with the need to optimize, clean, to organize all the time.

A child with the Moon in Virgo doesn't have peace, they simply don't. The soul of a child with the Moon in Virgo is like an Excel sheet, it's like an Excel table, and when they meet someone new, they go through Excel, when they have to work on a project, they go through Excel.

Children with the Moon in Virgo clean the simplest things, and become the most disciplined because they don't want to be criticized. For them, criticism means they are not loved.

Children with the Moon in Virgo are very good at math, very good at organizing, but they also have this huge critical part.

Usually, children with the Moon in Virgo grow up with mothers who are very involved in this austere area of life: we eat less, today we eat more fruits, tomorrow we eat more meat, and so on. And when they grow up, they feel they have to do things in a certain way, and their whole life is a search for perfection. But it all starts with the relationship with the mother in the early years of life. If the mother worked very hard and only cared about what's on the table, what's in the house, and what to wear, 'the rest you don't need,' from there, the child won't want emotions as long as they live", Daniela Simulescu further explained.

PHOTO: @chimran7678


Moon in Capricorn

Children with the Moon in Capricorn are often perceived as being older than they are. With persistent self-demand and a constant desire to prove themselves, these children become masters in the art of ambition. However, behind this appearance of security and determination, sometimes lies a deep need to be understood and appreciated for who they truly are.

"When a child has the Moon in Capricorn, the mother is very demanding. I must say that the mother is three times the father because when we think of the ultimate authoritative figure, we think of the father.

Every child, every adult I've known with the Moon in Capricorn, in childhood had a mother who always compared them to other children and didn't take the time to truly embrace them, didn't connect! A child with the Moon in Capricorn has a mother who always has something else to do: she has to build something, she has to work on something, she has goals, plans, and serious matters, but the child is a child!

If you want to harm a child with the Moon in Capricorn, compare them to other children. Generally, this is a problem, from my point of view, because, for example, coming from those generations myself, with children with the Moon in Capricorn it's enough to tell them 'the neighbor is taller than you,' and that child will believe that height depends on them and that it's their problem, and they'll seek all sorts of solutions to grow.

The child with the Moon in Capricorn is introverted, quiet, old, and born old, they are more mature than all the people in their family because their mother tells them about her problems from the earliest years of life: 'I don't get along well with your father,' 'look what they did to me at work.' Well, how can you not tell a 3-year-old those things, because they internalize it, and then they grow up thinking they have to work?

Women with the Moon in Capricorn, when they grow up, their profession will be their favorite place. When it comes to emotions, they have cement over them, and it's very hard to get them out.

And they are Saturnine. Women with the Moon in Capricorn, but also men, after 40 years, rejuvenate, because when they are young, they are made responsible, whether to take care of a sibling, to listen to their mother or father, or to assist with household chores.

Children with the Moon in Capricorn work, are ambitious, competitive, and professional, but they don't take the time to feel. There's a lot of hardness there, a lot of self-demand, and there's always a need to prove themselves.

If you know you have a child with the Moon in Capricorn, be careful how they perceive you because they can perceive you as a demanding mother, but from time to time, assure them with a crumb in which you are also more vulnerable in their presence because that's how they learn", Daniela Simulescu added.

What is the soul of a child-like if they have the Moon in Fire signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius? Daniela Simulescu: "They want to discover, to learn, to know!"

Don't miss tomorrow! We'll detail what it means to have the Moon in Air signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius!


The websites recommended by astrologer Daniela Simulescu to find the position of the Moon at birth are:   

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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc
Categorie: English

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