Low or high Self-Esteem? How can parents tell? Alexandra Stoica: "You see the signs a lot in children's attitudes!"
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Parents often find themselves wondering: does my little one have healthy self-esteem, or do they constantly underestimate their worth and abilities? 

Alexandra Stoica, a specialist parenting counselor, spoke on "Părinți Prezenți", a show hosted by the editor-in-chief of PărințișiPitici.ro, Loredana Iriciuc, about the signs of high or low self-esteem in children.

According to the expert, her experience as an educator has highlighted remarkable behaviors in preschool children with high self-esteem, and these children were not afraid to make their presence and opinions known.

"I remember two children from kindergarten when I was an educator, and I saw that they dared to say, 'No, I don't like this behavior from you.' They dare to cry without being afraid that someone will tell them not to cry anymore. They dare to express their emotions. They dare to raise their hand, to answer, even if they haven't raised their hand.

They are very confident; you can see it a lot in their attitude, that they believe in themselves", said Alexandra Stoica.

Signs of low Self-Esteem in children

PHOTO: freepik.com @galinkazhi

Alexandra Stoica observed the physical manifestations of low self-esteem, emphasizing that these can be easily identified in posture and body language.

"You can see it in body posture, the 'daffodil position.' Because you live a lot in shame, fear, and guilt. When you have this predominant landscape in childhood, your shoulders are more drooped", pointed out the specialist parenting counselor.

To counteract these manifestations of low self-esteem, Stoica emphasized the importance of education on body posture and self-confidence.

"That's why we even teach children how to walk, to pull their shoulders back a bit and walk upright. Because it's important! Imagine not seeing anyone on the street with low self-esteem, anxious, walking with their head down and forward", the expert added.


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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc
Categorie: English

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