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According to Marius Zamfir, there are several factors contributing to this alarming situation. Poor maternal nutrition can lead to insufficient dilation during labor, sometimes making natural childbirth impossible. Improper nutrition also affects skin elasticity, making natural birth more difficult. All these factors contribute to the frequent need for cesarean delivery.
"In the past 5 years, I have evaluated over 1,000 newly diagnosed children with autism. I have conducted my statistics, and the percentage of births by cesarean section is 93%. Nationally, from what I have seen in some statistics, the percentage is between 40-50% for cesarean births, whereas the European Union recommends that cesarean deliveries should be at a percentage of 15, a maximum of 20%. In Europe, in all Western countries, this is typically the percentage. Out of the 7% born naturally, 5% are children born in the diaspora. Natural birth is heavily promoted there.
It's a combination of factors! Due to very poor nutrition, mothers no longer have the proper dilation, and often the baby cannot be born naturally. We consume all sorts of foods that no longer provide the skin with elasticity. There are many aspects here. But because of this, indeed, many times children need to be born by cesarean section", said Marius Zamfir on 'Părinți Prezenți' (Present Parents), a show by ParintisiPitici.ro.
PHOTO: freepik.com @oksix
The expert in clinical psychology and human microbiome highlighted the possibility of a simple intervention in the case of cesarean birth: the transplantation of the microbiome from the mother to the fetus. Even if the child is born through surgical intervention, this method could reintroduce the essential microbiome for the baby's health. Marius Zamfir emphasizes that the procedure is so simple that it could be performed by a nurse.
"The idea is that through a simple intervention, we could perform this microbiome transplant from the mother to the fetus, even if the child is born via cesarean section. It's a simple intervention that could be done by a nurse. Mothers should request this because even abroad, it all started with mothers when they understood the importance of this human microbiome.
Obesity, all disorders that have inflammation as their starting point, including neurological disorders, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's, have been proven to be a microbiome imbalance.
Even in cancer, recent studies are showing that in most cases, it starts, indeed maybe with a slight genetic background, but the imbalance has occurred within this microbiome", the expert further stated.
Marius Zamfir explained in simple terms the procedure for transplanting the microbiome from mother to fetus, emphasizing that it is not a complex surgical intervention, but rather a simple and accessible process.
"It's not a surgical intervention. It's a simple thing!
A sterile swab is taken, positioned in the mother's vagina, and left there for half an hour to an hour before the child is born. When the child is born, the swab is used to swab the child. And this swab is full of these good bacteria which, if the child interacts with them, will multiply in his stomach, in his intestines, and not other bad bacteria. This way, we provide a very strong immunity", the specialist emphasized.
Marius Zamfir drew attention to another important issue related to vaccination: in the case of a child with intestinal dysbiosis, the introduction of attenuated viruses and allergenic substances from vaccines can overstimulate the immune system and have negative consequences. He emphasized that these vaccines are designed for healthy children, and in the case of children with intestinal dysbiosis, these interventions can trigger unwanted immune reactions or worsen their health condition.
"Another factor that can greatly influence the current immunization system of the child relies heavily on vaccination. However, vaccination does not help these 80%, which represent the immune system at the digestive level, at all.
And there's another problem: in a child with intestinal dysbiosis, if you introduce some viruses and allergenic substances, because that's what a vaccine is, we come with some allergenic substances, like aluminum hydroxide which activates my immune system, we come with some attenuated viruses, these vaccines are designed for a healthy child. However, if a child has intestinal dysbiosis and we introduce these things and aggress the immune system, because that's what a vaccine does, the child's immune system doesn't know how to fight back, and often, instead of doing better, we can do worse.
That's why it would be ideal if we could do some tests beforehand to see if the child might have intestinal dysbiosis. Because recent studies and many doctors show that it is not recommended at all to vaccinate a child with intestinal dysbiosis, because we might worsen their condition.
So, first, let's fix this intestinal dysbiosis, and only then should we continue the vaccination system", Marius Zamfir added.
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