Should we correct a child if they mispronounce words? Speech therapist Iuliana Baban: "Attention! I will emphasize this every time there is an opportunity!"
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During the "Present Parents" show, moderated by Loredana Iriciuc, speech therapist Iuliana Baban spoke about correcting children's pronunciation. 

The expert emphasized the importance of correcting children when they mispronounce words but with particular attention to how it's done.

"It's okay to correct them, but pay attention to how you do it! With gentleness, with kindness, and by simply pronouncing the correct version, we encourage them, 'Let's see, maybe you can say it like me.' Perhaps through role-playing games with dolls or favorite toys.

That's why I said, and I will emphasize whenever there's an opportunity: play is the main way of learning for a child!

In addition to play, there are stories and storybooks. And thank goodness, nowadays we have plenty to choose from", explained the speech therapist.

If parents notice unclear pronunciation in their child, with issues such as missing, substituted, or altered sounds, and the child is already over 4 years old, it is advisable to consult a speech specialist or a speech therapist.

"If parents notice situations where pronunciation isn't quite clear, there are missing, substituted, altered sounds, and the child is already over the age of 4, I recommend consulting a speech specialist, a speech therapist who can guide them in the direction of correction", clarified Iuliana Baban on Present Parents, a show by

The activities that stimulate a child's speech. Speech therapist Iuliana Baban: "The oldest and most useful method is THIS!"

Iuliana Baban: "Let's not fall into the opposite extreme!"

PHOTO: @zinkevych

Speech therapist Iuliana Baban also discussed parents' reactions when their children mispronounce words and whether it's appropriate to laugh in such situations. She emphasized that although it's natural for laughter to erupt at certain moments, it's important to be aware of the impact we have on children.

Baban explained that when parents laugh or encourage their children when they mispronounce words, they can negatively motivate them, as the child may interpret this laughter as a positive and encouraging reaction.

"This encourages the child to continue because it motivates them. They like it, they'll think it's funny, and they'll find it cute to continue. So, we reinforce that behavior of avoidance.

I would like to emphasize again, that let's not fall into the opposite extreme, meaning excessive seriousness. It shouldn't be thought that if sometimes we chuckle at such little mischiefs, it's wrong. Because, ultimately, the parent is a parent, not a specialist who has a stimulation program to follow and a manual with instructions, and every time they have to do everything by the book. It means allowing these little jokes, allowing these little moments of amusement.

The important thing is to make sure they're not very frequent, not the order of the day, not every time", the speech therapist added.

Speech therapist Baban: "We can also be vulnerable in front of the child!"


During the discussion on the Present Parents show, speech therapist Baban emphasized the importance of being vulnerable in front of the child and showing them that adults can make mistakes too. She mentioned that in the eyes of the child, parents are often perceived as perfect beings, and it is beneficial to show them our less perfect areas.

"And one more thing! We can also be vulnerable in front of the child and let them see that both mom and dad make mistakes sometimes. Anyway, the child see us as little gods, sees us as perfect, and it's very difficult for them to reach that level, they tend towards that area. It's good to show them less perfect areas, that we are human, and that we have vulnerabilities because along with this area of communication, I would reinforce the idea of development in the socio-emotional area.

Along with the messages of information, there are also those messages related to connection and messages related to emotions, which we as adults also learn to decode properly. We also learn as adults to clearly communicate our needs and not expect them to be guessed by our partners. So, the child sees us as a model", the expert further emphasized.

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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc
Categorie: English

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