The activities that stimulate a child's speech. Speech therapist Iuliana Baban: "The oldest and most useful method is THIS!"
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Speech therapist Iuliana Baban spoke at "Present Parents" about the activities that stimulate a child's speech and what factors parents should consider regarding this aspect. 

The expert emphasized the importance of activities that promote communication and language development in children: play and games!

"The oldest and most useful method is play and games. But when I say play and games, be careful! I'm not referring to this modern version that involves screens and technology. I mean play and games using objects around the child. I mean play and games outdoors and in contact with peers, in contact with other children of similar age, with trusted adults around them", emphasized Iuliana Baban on "Present Parents", a program by

Iuliana Baban: "There are more risks when we want to do good."

The host of the "Present Parents" show, Loredana Iriciuc, asked an essential question about the duration necessary for stimulating speech in children, and Iuliana Baban emphasized the need for a balanced lifestyle.

"As much as possible! Of course, there needs to be a balanced lifestyle. For the early stage of infancy, we refer to the preschool period, I believe there should be a balance with periods of rest and sleep!" explained the expert.

The speech therapist highlighted the risks of overstimulation, emphasizing that despite good intentions, excess can lead to frustration, fatigue, and agitation.


"I would like to emphasize further, regarding what I have observed as a situation of the current generation, overstimulation. That is, here I would warn parents that it is NOT important for the child to have all the toys found in stores, the entire collection of cars, and dolls, including very useful, stimulating games. When the room is full of such toys, the child gets bored very quickly, it will be very difficult for him to choose, and he will move from one activity to another without completing any.

There are more risks when we want to do good, and it could actually lead to frustration, fatigue, and agitation. So, I emphasize: be careful with this over-demand and overstimulation!", Iuliana Baban added.

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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc
Categorie: English

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