The children who only want pizza, pasta, and French fries. Dr. Boroghină: The parent may have been weaker in front of the child and said: let your will be done! You don't forbid them, but you do THIS
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Primary care pediatrician, nutritionist, and pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition specialist, Dr. Steluța Boroghină, spoke on the Present Parents show, moderated by Loredana Iriciuc, editor-in-chief of, about the issue of children exhibiting restricted food preferences, focusing solely on certain dishes such as pizza, pasta, and french fries with schnitzel.

Asked about how to approach this situation, dr. Boroghină emphasized that the first step is to acknowledge that we, as adults, have contributed to this situation. The pediatrician added that, in some cases, strict preferences may be based on certain pathologies that lead to an attraction to specific textures or colors, but these situations are rarer.

The doctor stressed the importance of diversifying the diet from a young age, stating that this process should not be limited to a few days but should be a continuous and sustained approach.

"Well, first, we accept that we've done this!

There are certain pathologies where there's an exclusive preference for a certain texture or color, but that's an entirely different matter.

But for a healthy child, it's hard to believe! Probably, enough emphasis wasn't placed on diversification! To insist doesn't just mean for one or two days. So, diversification is complete somewhere after the age of 1, and even then, you can still introduce more and further diversify, enriching their food palette", said Dr. Steluța Boroghină on Present Parents, a show by

Dr. Steluța Boroghină: "Maybe we were weaker in front of the child and said, 'Let your will be done'"

The pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition specialist also emphasized that sometimes, as parents, we may have been too accommodating to our children's desires, yielding to their strong will. However, she emphasized that it is essential to show children that what we offer them is beneficial for their health while also respecting their preferences.

"And we left it like that because the little one perhaps had more willpower than me, the parent. Maybe we were weaker in front of the child and said, 'Let your will be done.'

It's not quite like that! They need to know that we give them what is right and good for them. It's true that it also has to be enjoyable for them.

Slowly, with care, even these children can be brought towards a healthy diet. We won't forbid them! You don't tell a child, 'From tomorrow, no more pizza, no more pasta.' Somehow we can do something else. 'It's okay, look, let's put some vegetables on that pizza. If you still want pizza, try it, at least try it. If you like it, great.' That is, we give them the option to choose! 'Alright, today you want pizza.

Look, 2-3 times a week, if you want, once pizza, once pasta, but let's also eat some vegetables with that pasta.'

And slowly, especially as they change age levels, when they move to another level, let's say school, let's say they go to after-school activities. Or maybe they eat with other family members, meaning they somehow change the person they eat with, they can change their eating habits. It's common, at least among teenagers, to have a spectacular change", dr. Boroghină added.,

Dr. Steluța Boroghină: "Here lies the major problem!"

In an analysis of children's eating behavior, Dr. Steluța Boroghină highlighted that the refusal to consume vegetables is often a significant challenge. The expert suggested that this reluctance could result from excessive insistence on vegetable consumption in the early stages of childhood, which could later influence their attitude towards these foods.

The primary care pediatrician also noted that there are teenagers who, overnight, decide to become vegetarians and categorically refuse any form of meat or other animal-based foods, instead adopting a friendly attitude towards vegetables.

"Children usually refuse vegetables. Here lies the major problem! Perhaps too much emphasis is placed on them in early childhood. This could also be an explanation for their subsequent refusal.

I see teenagers who overnight become vegetarians, so they stubbornly refuse anything else, any other form of meat, and so on. Suddenly, they become very friendly with vegetables. This option exists too.

Indeed, teenagers are already children who know how to gather information themselves, they can begin to judge, but even there it's good to somehow guide them, keep an eye on them, know what they're thinking, and help them if we believe that sometimes they may not have all the complete information", dr. Steluța Boroghină emphasized.

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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc
Categorie: English

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