"The first step in children's financial education is THIS!" Roxana Bucur and Andrei Popa tell us how to teach little ones to manage their earnings
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Roxana Bucur and Andrei Popa, the founders of Money4Kids, showed, at Present Parents, the methods through which children can best manage their money, depending on their age.

The first stage that the two experts recommend in children's financial education is implementing a piggy bank because this is where the essential understanding of money management begins. When we manage to use a piggy bank to achieve our financial goals, we can say that we are on the right path to financial understanding.

How does a child earn money and from when? Roxana Bucur and Andrei Popa: "Parents are worried that their little one might not do anything without money"

Andrei Popa: "Everything starts from HERE!"

PHOTOS from Roxana Bucur and Andrei Popa's personal archive

"The first step we recommend in children's financial education is a piggy bank because everything starts from here. If we manage to use one or more piggy banks for the objectives we have, then we can say that we are on the right path in terms of financial education. and explain a little to us.

In general, there are several main categories. Incomes, the money we earn, as I mentioned in the case of caroling.

Expenses that may be necessary in daily life, monthly or even yearly.

Desires are also expenses, but expenses that we can give up at some point if they are not necessary.

We also emphasize the savings part because the piggy bank, first of all, helps us to save. To set aside some money, it can be a percentage or a certain amount, from month to month. We determine, but it shouldn't be a very big effort because that's the big problem. Everyone wants to make a very big effort at the beginning, but they get lost along the way. We can start slowly, from a small percentage or a small amount at the beginning, gradually increasing the amount over time.

The investment part is equally important because our money needs to generate more money over time. Not overnight or week by week. We also have the investment part that we need to explain to the child what it entails.

We also have an important part that many of us may only resort to at the end of the year or once a year, namely the donations part. We need to give something back. Each of us should somehow have a plan in which we offer not only money but it can also be one of our resources, such as time. We offer a day of our life for a charitable activity or we volunteer for an action in a certain field. It is important that this donation is part of our life, not only financially, but also in terms of our resources", said Andrei Popa at Present Parents, a show by ParintisiPitici.ro.

Roxana Bucur: "A single piggy bank for children between 3 and 5 years old"

PHOTOS from Roxana Bucur and Andrei Popa's personal archive

"A child at the age of 3-5 is egocentric. They are focused only on their needs, so it is necessary to implement a single piggy bank, for saving, for one of their objectives, often a toy. Because the needs, as Andrei mentioned, are taken care of by the parents.

For the child, it's the area of desires, desires that we can assign to them. That most costly desire in financial terms, they should achieve it on their own. They should set this goal and, therefore work for it, they will have motivation to work and save the money they earn through work, so that they can fulfill their desire. There's also this positive emotion following the achievement of the goal.

As they grow older, when they pass that stage and can think about others, we can also implement a piggy bank for donations, in the early schooling stage, starting from 6-7 years old", Roxana Bucur emphasized.

"To visualize their goal!"

PHOTOS from Roxana Bucur and Andrei Popa's personal archive

"We organize workshops for children in kindergartens and schools, and one thing we do is encourage them to personalize their piggy bank as they wish. Whether they draw if they are younger or write if they are older, a very important objective on the piggy bank so they know what they are saving that money for", stated Andrei Popa.

"This aspect is important for adults as well. To visualize their goal, to have their objective somewhere on a board, and to see it constantly. We as adults should set a goal, print it out, have it, visualize it, know why we get up in the morning to go to work and why in the evening when we come back, we set aside some money", added Roxana Bucur.

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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc
Categorie: English

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