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Cătălin Munteanu emphasized the importance of patience. He highlighted how a negative dynamic can generate a chain of consequences that can affect not only the children's performance but also their self-esteem. Cătălin Munteanu noted that a healthy and productive learning environment requires collaboration and mutual understanding between parents and coaches.
"First and foremost, patience! They should have patience because there are either two of us or just one coach, depending on how many children there are, and there are many parents. When each parent comes and tells us their opinion about the child's training, it is difficult for us. There is already pressure on us simply because we are working with these children.
We want to take them to the highest level. We know that the parents want this very much too, and generally, I have noticed that parents are not patient.
If they start dance classes today, by the next year, on the same day, they draw a line and say: ‘My goodness, he didn’t manage to win first place, he just didn’t succeed!’
I understand this sentiment, but it is quite wrong and it puts pressure on both the coaches and the child, especially! Without realizing it, it can convey to the child that they are not good, that the coaches are not good, and then there might be a chain of afflictions or many more will be affected", Cătălin Munteanu explained.
Cătălin Munteanu emphasized the need for parents to be patient and to trust in the abilities of the coaches and their children.
"We believe that parents need to be patient, and have trust in the coach and their child.
Moreover, when there are competitions or the opportunity to participate in an event that can benefit the child, they should do everything possible to support them. We know how hard it is because my parents took out loans to support me in dance sports; it was incredibly expensive.
It is very important to try to support them! We always make arrangements for the child to go where it helps and to continue doing the same thing. Radu Manole's parents, for example, did the same thing. We also have children whose parents are not millionaires in euros, yet they did everything possible for the little ones to go to competitions and to demonstrate", Cătălin Munteanu added.
Andreea Munteanu, Cătălin’s partner, concluded the discussion by emphasizing the necessity of sacrifice:
"Sacrifice is also needed", Andreea Munteanu concluded.
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