The most important signs indicate a child is ready to give up diapers. Ruxandra Horvath, Romania's first potty trainer, highlights a TRAP / VIDEO
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Ruxandra Horvath, the first certified children's potty training consultant in Romania, revealed on Parents Present how we can observe when a toddler is ready to give up diapers. According to the expert, it is essential to pay attention to the signals the child is sending and not rush or attempt to cheat in this process.

Horvath emphasizes that there are clear signs that children exhibit when they are ready to transition to using the potty.

"There are signs that the child shows, and we should not hurry the process or try to hasten it as parents by attempting to help the child give up diapers sooner. Instead, we should allow them to develop naturally, at their own pace, and wait for the exact moments when they are capable of supporting this process of diaper abandonment and potty training. The child needs to be physically, cognitively, and emotionally prepared. It's a combination of factors that the child should meet when the diaper is removed.

The most obvious signs include when the child genuinely asks to get rid of the diaper, is bothered by its presence, or how they feel their body when the diaper is full. Another sign is that the frequency between urinations starts to be about two hours or a little more. Why do we monitor this? To understand the bladder's capacity and be able to eliminate the diaper throughout the day, including during naptime, to support what we say, and send clear and consistent messages to the child. When we fluctuate, we confuse the little one. These are the most important signs, the ones that matter the most.

But, of course, showing interest in what happens in the bathroom and asking to sit on the toilet bowl are other important signs", said Ruxandra Horvath on Parents Present, a program by

Ruxandra Horvath: "According to studies, the signs do not appear earlier than 1 year and 6 months"

During the Parents Present show, Ruxandra Horvath emphasized that, according to studies, these signs do not appear earlier than 1 year and 6 months. Therefore, diaper abandonment should not be anticipated before this age, but should occur between 1 year and 6 months and 2 years.

"According to studies, not earlier than 1 year and 6 months. So, there should not be diaper abandonment earlier than 1 year and 6 months, but rather between 1 year and 6 months and 2 years. From practice, most children are ready to give up diapers between 2 and 3 years", noted Romania's first certified children's potty training consultant.

The first potty trainer in Romania: "The biggest trap, once the age of 3.5 is surpassed, is the attachment to diapers"

The expert suggests that some children become ready to give up diapers at the age of 3, and the decision to intervene or not depends on circumstances. Ruxandra Horvath has drawn attention to a specific trap - the persistent attachment to diapers after age 3.5. Children who live daily with the presence of diapers may perceive this practice as normal and natural, and for some, it can even become an extension of their body.

"It depends a lot on the situation. Some children become ready at 3 years old. The biggest trap, once the age of 3.5 is surpassed, is the attachment to diapers. Living every day with the presence of diapers and having them there deepens this normalcy for the child; it's natural, it's normal to use diapers because they've had them from day one, it's there, it has been okay for everyone, and for some children, it can practically become an extension of their body. When the use of diapers extends from 3.5 years to 4 years, the child's desire to have the diaper all the time becomes even greater, and consequently, giving it up will become increasingly difficult", explained Ruxandra Horvath.

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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc
Categorie: English

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