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During the discussion, Zamfir used an analogy. He emphasized that the dopaminergic system and the neurosynaptic system can be seen as factories, requiring various essential elements to function optimally. Whether it's space, construction, utilities, specific machinery, or raw materials, all are necessary for the smooth operation of the "factory." The expert pointed out that the absence or malfunction of a single element in this "factory" can have significant consequences.
"I would like us to look at them as factories. Both the dopaminergic system and the neurosynaptic system. Think of a factory, to make it work, we need many elements. We need space, we need to build a building on that space, we need to provide utilities, then bring in specific machinery, specific raw materials, energy, workers, and supervisors for the workers. I've only taken the major, important elements. If even one element is completely missing or defective in this factory.
This is precisely why the cause of autism has not been discovered because there has always been a focus on a single causal link. If we view autism as an impairment of an element in this factory, we'll see that in the end, the factory no longer produces what it should. In one case, it might have poor-quality raw materials, in another case, it might have defective machinery, in another case, the workers aren't doing their job properly, as in that form of virtual autism, as I call it. Those children who spend a lot of time in front of screens. Well, there's no problem with the factory there, everything is in place, but the workers, instead of working, are on a tablet or computer.
Does the factory still produce what it should? No!
So, we see that there can be many potential causal links. That's why it's very important to analyze. But by analyzing this psychological autopsy, I realized that both factories, both the dopaminergic and the neuro synaptic ones, depend heavily on this human microbiome", said Marius Zamfir on Present Parents, a show by ParintisiPitici.ro.
PHOTO: Marius Zamfir, clinical psychologist
Approximately 90% of the cells in our bodies are part of the human microbiome, while only 10% are our cells. These impressive figures underscore the vital importance of this microbial ecosystem.
The human microbiome consists of all the microorganisms in our bodies. Here we're talking about viruses, retroviruses, bacteria, fungi, archaea.
This microbiome is of immense importance. Truly significant research began about 10, maybe 15 years ago because until then, we didn't have the necessary technology to analyze this human microbiome in depth.
With this metagenomic technology, we've been able to analyze it. We have somewhere between 500 and 1,000 different species of microbes in our bodies. To understand how important this microbiome is, consider that 90% of our cells, in our bodies, are cells from the human microbiome, and only 10% are our cells. However, those cells are very small in the human microbiome. So, we have about 10,000 billion of our cells and we have over 100,000 billion cells in the human microbiome.
If we were to quantify it in terms of weight or surface area, it's around 2 kilograms, but precisely because these microbes, especially viruses and retroviruses, are very, very small. Viruses even enter human cells.
Genetically, the genes we inherit from our parents represent only 0.75%. The rest of the genes in our bodies are genes from this human microbiome.
The human genome has been decoded and has somewhere between 20,000 and 25,000 genes, and in our intestines, in this human microbiome, there are over 500,000 different genes. Genes that influence how we develop.
And the best example is with identical twins, where we have the same gene, we have the same epigenetic factors, at least until a certain age while they stay in the same basic family, and yet they are very different. Why? Because this microbiome has influenced their genes and influenced the expression of genes, it didn't change the gene, it influenced the expression of the gene.
Experiments are being conducted in laboratories on mice without a microbiome. Effectively, when the microbiome is brought from an obese mouse, from a mouse with certain diseases, or from an anxious mouse, just through this microbiome transplant, we can modify the structure, even of personality or even metabolic.
Recent studies show that in fact, 90% of diseases stem from an imbalance of this human microbiome", further explained Marius Zamfir.
PHOTO: freepik.com @jauw
The human microbiome specialist highlighted that recent research shows that 100% of children with autism have disorders in their intestinal microbiome, including dysbiosis and other specific characteristics.
"I've started recommending to the parents I work with to conduct analyses, a specific type of analysis regarding their human microbiome, and I want to tell you that not 30%, not 70%, not 80% of children have issues, but 100% of children with autism have intestinal dysbiosis, and besides that, afterward, indeed, each with other specific characteristics. Either a low intestinal immunity, pancreatic enzymes not produced in the necessary quantity, inflammation at the intestinal level, or a very high level of harmful bacteria. And these things cause, in a very large proportion, about 70-80%, those behavioral disorders encountered in children with autism, those tantrums, those nervous episodes of theirs.
We've had cases where just a simple parasitic infection with giardia, a little girl entered a state of autism, diagnosed by three different autism specialists. But I saw the little girl and realized that all the psychological, and neurological mechanisms were functioning properly. Yes, indeed, she entered her world, she sang, closed her eyes, and sang. I told her mother that it wasn't autism, and to go and get some tests done, and she messaged me after two weeks thanking me very much, that since Saturday she started the treatment and by Monday the little girl was doing very well. A treatment for parasitic infection.
If we analyze through this psychological autopsy what parasites can do at the molecular level in the intestine, we see that they can cause many cascading phenomena, leading to this very severe intoxication in the body and to the emergence of these behaviors that we call autism", Marius Zamfir further emphasized.
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