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One of the main activities that discourage speech in children is screen time. In these environments, everything happens quickly and impersonally, which can affect children's attention and concentration over time. Numerous studies have shown that excessive use of technology at increasingly younger ages hurts children's neurological development.
"It's a delicate subject, I don't even know if I would bring any novelty about the impact of blue light, about the impact on brain development, about the agitation it produces, including sleep disorders, eating disorders, and many, many others", Iuliana Baban stated on "Present Parents", a program by ParintisiPitici.ro.
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The expert points out that while some educational apps can offer learning benefits, it's important to understand that they do not replace authentic human interaction. Children excessively exposed to screens may not realize the difference between the real world and the virtual one, leading to problematic behaviors and difficulties in social relationships.
"Because in front of the screen, first and foremost, there is no real social interaction. Everything happens very quickly, at a fast pace, which, in turn, over time, produces difficulties in concentration, thus affecting attention qualities. There are countless studies, meaning it is certain, 100% scientifically proven. No one doubts anymore that this technology, when abused and at increasingly younger ages, hurts neurological development.
I know that virtual autism is not yet recognized as a separate condition in specialized manuals. True! But children who are influenced by these technologies end up exhibiting behaviors, and developmental disorders, more and more. The cases are real!
I'm raising an alarm because, initially, parents are intrigued. First and foremost, they come with the argument of educational elements. Indeed, I also use some educational software through which the child learns shapes, colors, letters, and counting.
But, I came up with a counter-argument exactly related to what I was saying: the socio-emotional aspect. They lose the interaction part, language loses its functionality. They store some information that they put into drawers, but which they do not use properly. Additionally, if unsupervised, they often access content and various games, and videos with elements of aggression. It has been observed among children, even younger ones, that they have such tendencies, that they don't realize, they no longer differentiate between real and virtual, and they begin to behave towards their kindergarten peers as they have seen on the screen.
Often, they don't even realize that in real life, things are much more painful than in their game. In their game, often, they have a certain number of lives and can start over. And what do you know? In the real world, things are not quite like that. And so, it's not very clear for them, especially as they are in a stage where they overflow with imagination. They are at a stage where the line between real and imaginary is thin. That's why there are fairies, princes, but they have largely been replaced by modern superheroes from Marvel, from other much more attractive sources that have a much stronger impact, much closer to their present needs", Iuliana Baban further explained.
Iuliana Baban emphasized that several factors discourage children's speech, besides the danger posed by excessive screen time. One of these factors is related to the socio-emotional development of children, including their fears and shyness regarding communication in the presence of others.
"There are several factors. Besides the danger I mentioned earlier, of screens, there is also the issue that I outlined earlier, related to socio-emotional development: certain fears, certain shyness, and how emotionally prepared they are to communicate in the presence of others.
This area is very important because there are children who have such fears of speaking in public, even from a young age. They feel ashamed, they close up very quickly, and it's not so much about working on language or pronunciation, but on emotions, on what they feel, how they feel, how they manage to relax, connect with others, and have confidence in themselves.
For the part related to socio-emotional development, I recommend connection with the environment, and connection with others starting with the basic family, with parents, siblings if applicable, and initially with the mother. The mother would be the first attachment figure. A secure attachment will result in a confident person, eager to learn, to express themselves, to show themselves, to expose their needs and desires", Iuliana Baban added.
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