What does healthy discipline for a child in a sport look like? Andreea and Cătălin Munteanu: "It starts right from kindergarten!"
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In the current context, where sedentary lifestyles are becoming increasingly prevalent even among children, implementing a regular physical routine from early childhood is essential.

Andreea and Cătălin Munteanu, dance instructors who have placed Romania on the highest global podium, emphasized at "Părinți Prezenți" the importance of starting physical activities from the preschool period, proposing a program adapted to different stages of growth.

For the youngest, namely preschoolers, the recommendation is to engage them in short-duration activities. As children grow, the frequency of physical activities should also increase. This gradual increase in the duration and frequency of sports activities not only improves the physical condition of children but also allows them to develop skills and achieve performance in their chosen field.

“For example, the little ones, the toddlers who go to kindergarten, are already given this list of optional activities: painting, English, drawing, and sports. So, from kindergarten, you can make a sports schedule for your child. For the little ones, half an hour is mandatory, more than that you can't keep their attention, you already lose them, and they get bored. I think that 1 hour per week for a 3-4 year old is enough. Whether it's dance or rhythmic gymnastics, something to get them moving for an hour a week.

After 6, 7, 8, 9 years, an hour twice a week, 8 hours a month.

From there, you can create a performance out of the activity they chose to do”, said Andreea Munteanu on "Părinți Prezenți", a show by ParintisiPitici.ro.

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How many hours per week of work does a child need to perform?

Cătălin Munteanu emphasizes that the approach to work and dedicating time to various activities evolves as children grow. As children advance in age and abilities, the workload increases proportionally. This schedule is adjusted based on school requirements and the child's capacity to manage tasks. The importance, as Munteanu highlights, is the continuity and consistency of the effort put in.

"Firstly, it depends on age. It would start from about an hour a day, Monday through Friday, to 2-3-4 hours a day from Monday to Friday or 14-16-18 hours a week, depending also on school.

Radu Manole, for example, would do either daily or 2-3 hours, 3 days a week, but intensely. There needs to be continuity!" says Cătălin Munteanu. 

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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc
Categorie: English

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