What is the soul of a child-like if they have the Moon in Air signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius? Daniela Simulescu: "They learn all the time!"
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Astrologer Daniela Simulescu, Chief Editor of Astrosens.ro, said on "Părinți Prezenți", a show moderated by Chief Editor of ParintisiPitici.ro, Loredana Iriciuc, what it means to have the Moon in each zodiac sign at the moment of birth.

Today we will present what it means to have the Moon in the Air signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius!

Moon in Gemini

For a child with the Moon in Gemini, family instability can be a common reality. Frequent changes in parental relationships, repeated moves, and fluctuations in the mother's situation can create an emotionally insecure climate. This lack of stability can affect the child's ability to cope with emotions and may lead to avoidance of them in adult life.

"A child with the Moon in Gemini has a very unstable family environment. What does this mean? Changes within parental relationships, very frequent changes of residence. The mother, in the early years of life, goes through many changes. She may change jobs, change houses, change certain situations, and because nobody ensured emotional stability, the child doesn't want to deal with emotions.

Adults with the Moon in Gemini don't know how to feel emotions, they don't sit with emotions because there's a bit of anxiety there. They have to read, find out, understand, but never to feel. That's why when they grow up, they have to do many things at the same time because if they had so much instability, and so many changes in the early years of life, it seems familiar to them. And then when they grow up, I move from one country to another, I go from one place to another. A lot of fluctuations, extraordinary fluctuations.

Also, children with the Moon in Gemini always want to read, to learn. But don't ask people with the Moon in Gemini what they felt! Rather ask them what they understood from what they felt or what they read about what they felt.

They always have to learn, and children with the Moon in Gemini will seek changes both emotionally and professionally. But one good thing about the Moon in Gemini is that they learn. They learn all the time!

You'll see it at any age, they still want to read, to learn, to travel, to find out. They're always on the move and constantly studying. But this stems from instability in the early years of life. An instability that won't seem serious at the moment. They think it's normal.

There's a constant agitation in their heads and they don't sit still, they're afraid to feel. It's very difficult to work with these people, to make them listen to you and see what they feel.

They are curious, but as long as they don't have to feel, because nobody ensured in the first part of their lives to sit with an emotion, regardless of what that emotion is", says Daniela Simulescu.

The connection between the position of the Moon at the time of birth and the relationship you have with your mother. Daniela Simulescu: "I call it our soul!"

PHOTO: freepik.com @EyeEm


Moon in Libra

Children with the Moon in Libra have aesthetics and harmony as pillars upon which they build their universe. From clothing to their surroundings, these children are raised in an environment where beauty is prioritized. Their mothers, dedicated to creating a beautiful and elegant environment, teach them to appreciate aesthetics and to pursue harmony in every aspect of their lives. With a mother who promotes the values of fairness and justice, these children learn to avoid conflicts and to always seek balance.

"Children with the Moon in Libra, their mommy dressed them nicely, took them to events, helped them be very sociable. She created the most beautiful environment. People with the Moon in Libra want beauty in their lives, they want aesthetics, they want harmony.

They avoid conflicts, they don't like tense situations at all, and they even have a mother who cares very much about what is correct and just.

Children with the Moon in Libra cannot stand to be alone. They always need to be around someone, to establish connections and contacts. They hate being alone and always seek contacts. They always seek people.

They have this part where everything has to be beautiful. How they're dressed, how the house is, how the toys are.

Children with the Moon in Libra are very good at mixing colors, toys, and how to dress. Children with the Moon in Libra pay great attention to how they dress because they need to convey a message through their clothes.

An adults with the Moon in Libra, what they need to learn is that not all relationships are as harmonious as the one their mother provided in the early years of life.

But otherwise, I like to say that the little one with the Moon in Libra has the soul of a fashion designer. A Moon in Libra sees everything and wants to see everything very beautifully, and what mothers of children with the Moon in Libra need to teach them is to show them that there is also imperfection in this world, that not everyone is fair, not everyone is correct, not everyone does things morally and legally.

Because a child with the Moon in Libra, when they see something unjust, it's a very unpleasant internal process and they don't understand why it happened like that. At home, they see very fair things and talk about them, and it's a surprise when they see that the world has other problems too.

A child with the Moon in Libra needs validation.

What's the problem with people with Libra? They consider that the exterior is a reflection of the interior and it's not always true. They believe that if everything is beautiful for them, the exterior must be beautiful too, and if the exterior is not so beautiful, they consider that they have a problem, which is not always true", Daniela Simulescu further explained.

PHOTO: freepik.com @EyeEm

Moon in Aquarius

When the Moon is in Aquarius, the relationship between mother and child is marked by detachment and a sentiment close to friendship. Instead of investing in intense emotions, the mother adopts a more relaxed approach, raising the child in a rather friendly framework than maternal.

"When the Moon is in Aquarius, the mother has a detachment and raises you like a friend, she doesn't have time for emotion. Overall, a person with the Moon in Aquarius always grows with the need for friendships. We're friends with everyone, friends with auntie, friends with uncle, friends with mom, friends with dad. They grow up the same way and make friends, they make companions and they're very detached, they don't get upset. A person with the Moon in Aquarius doesn't get upset and doesn't take things to heart because they know these things are very unstable.

In the lives of children with the Moon in Aquarius, in the early years of life, the mother was very independent! I mean, either she was alone, or she had to fend for herself or she learned to work side by side with her husband. The child with the Moon in Aquarius grows up very independent and knows how to cope extremely well, and they always have a passion for what is not visible.

People with the Moon in Aquarius, you'll see them very independent from an early age, you don't have to tell them what to do and don't force anything.

I've noticed that people with the Moon in Aquarius don't have that authentic relationship with their mother. It's more of a long-distance relationship because it's healthier, it's better, it's not necessarily a bad thing.

Then, throughout life, as they grow up, men with the Moon in Aquarius have very strange relationships with their mothers because they finally escape their influence and do what they want. They're rebels, and you don't even realize he's talking to his mom, it's like he's talking to the boy from the neighborhood. It's a very funny thing", Daniela Simulescu added.

Don't miss it tomorrow! We'll detail what it means to have the Moon in the Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces!

What is the soul of a child-like if they have the Moon in Fire signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius? Daniela Simulescu: "They want to discover, to learn, to know!"

How is the soul of a child if they have the Moon in Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn! Daniela Simulescu: "Do not criticize THESE people!"


The websites recommended by astrologer Daniela Simulescu to find the position of the Moon at birth are:



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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc
Categorie: English

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