What is the soul of a child like if they have the Moon in Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces? Daniela Simulescu: "It is one of the most unpleasant positions of the Moon"
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Astrologer Daniela Simulescu, from DC Media Group and editor-in-chief of Astrosens. ro, said on "Părinți Prezenți," a show moderated by Loredana Iriciuc, editor-in-chief of ParintisiPitici.ro, what it means to have the Moon in each zodiac sign at the time of birth.

Today we'll present what it means to have the Moon in the Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces!

The connection between the position of the Moon at the time of birth and the relationship you have with your mother. Daniela Simulescu: "I call it our soul!"

Moon in Cancer

"The Moon in Cancer, from an astrological standpoint, is the best position, and let me tell you why.

Theoretically, when you have a Moon in Cancer, it means that the mother knew how to be close to you, was very secure, raised you, listened to you, understood you, and was very nurturing.

So, when you are born with a Moon in Cancer, the mother is very family-oriented. She values home very much, values roots, and traditions, cherishes family meals, and does a lot of things together with the child.

The person with the Moon in Cancer, as they grow, needs to belong, to have a strong sense of attachment.

The problem arises when they don't find people who find the same things important.

For example, a child with the Moon in Cancer, because there's no need for communication, feels that their mother is there. When they grow up, they might not communicate emotions and feelings and will expect others to tell them. They won't communicate; they'll be very clingy, they'll take care of you, and they'll have a very pronounced maternal and paternal instinct.

Anyone with the Moon in Cancer can be unexpected. Let me give you an example: Leo, you might think that Leo wants attention only for themselves. They'll still have this phase, but with a Moon in Cancer, they always want to be a nurturing figure.

Children, when they have the Moon in Cancer, from a young age, you'll see them in kindergarten forming little groups and taking care of everyone. And they'll go home and tell their parents, 'I helped this little one, I did that,' because they want to create families, micro-families. They need micro-families wherever they go, even at work.

When they grow up, they put a lot of value on these human relationships at work. Not just that we work, but I should feel like I'm in a family here.

Theoretically, the Moon in Cancer is the best because you want connections, you want family, and you want emotional stability, but at the same time, it's hard to accept that not everyone wants the same peace, harmony, etc.

A person with the Moon in Cancer is very sweet, very gentle, very romantic, and calm.

What else does the Moon in Cancer have? Ladies and young ladies, if you have a boy, especially with the Moon in Cancer, you need to be very careful because he will become very mollycoddled. The bond is very deep and hard to break, and unfortunately, most of the time, a little imbalanced. Meaning, that for men with the Moon in Cancer, after marriage, the mother remains very important, consulting more with the mother than with the wife. It's very hard to break the bond, so you should know what to expect", said Daniela Simulescu on "Părinți Prezenți", a show by ParintisiPitici.ro.

Moon in Scorpio

The situation becomes more complicated when we talk about the Moon in Scorpio, one of the most complex astrological positions, and this is for quite clear reasons. The sign of Scorpio is associated with extremes, and the Moon, which governs emotions, feels uncomfortable in this context. When we discuss the Moon in Scorpio, we must understand that the relationship with the mother is always complicated.

"Here things are a bit more complicated. According to astrological theory, it is one of the most unpleasant positions of the Moon. Why? Because the sign of Scorpio is the sign of extremes, and the Moon craves emotions.

Scorpio is either too high or too low, and when you say the Moon in Scorpio, you should know that the relationship with the mother is always, but always, very problematic.

The mother is either very manipulative, or very protective, she makes a project out of the child, and the child must do what she wants, how she wants, and she manages to manipulate him in a way, and the child can remain very attached to the mother.

Very few people with the Moon in Scorpio manage to have a balanced relationship with their mother because they, poor things, don't know.

For any child with the Moon in Scorpio, the first years of their life are very difficult. Either they lose a loved one, or they go through domestic violence in the family, or they have to change the family environment, or they experience scandals, or they have very big problems, and as a child, you want your mother to belong to you, you don't want her to come to you upset and with other problems. But you feel when the mother is not okay. And what does the child learn? Not to trust, to fear emotions because he knows when he feels too much, he can't control them.

That's why people with the Moon in Scorpio are very fearful, they don't trust, they are afraid of betrayal, and they are afraid of loss.

A person with the Moon in Scorpio knows best how to cope because that's how they lived in the first years of life. It's familiar to them, and they know how to solve any problem.

A person with the Moon in Scorpio, when it's quiet and happy, doesn't know what to do because it's not familiar to them.

But, be careful! The mother is not at fault! Life is unpredictable.

I tell people with the Moon in Scorpio, whether they are younger or older, that they need to find a passion, to go there obsessively.

Personal life with a Moon in Scorpio is not peaceful, not linear, but when they get heavily involved somewhere, they manage to vent, and they manage to calm down a bit.

A child with the Moon in Scorpio doesn't believe you, they always know you're hiding something, they know there's something inside, they're not interested in superficiality", said Daniela Simulescu.

Moon in Pisces

A child with the Moon in Pisces feels the weight of life and develops a profound inner world, a kind of refuge to escape from reality. People with the Moon in Pisces learn from a very young age what suffering and human vulnerability mean. This awareness makes them extremely generous and willing to give everything they have, whether it's toys, money, or food. They have a remarkable spirit of sacrifice, trying to help and save those around them.

"What we know is that it's infinite emotion. Children with the Moon in Pisces, in their early years of life, have a mother who has faced a situation where she was a victim. Either she had to take care of someone, or she had health problems, or there were more serious financial difficulties. And the child with the Moon in Pisces feels that life is hard. And what do you think they do? They create a very strong inner world. It's like they have an inner refuge where they escape every time.

People with the Moon in Pisces, from a young age, learn what suffering is, what it means to be a victim, and what a health problem means.

With the Moon in Pisces, knowing this very vulnerable human side, they will be able to give everything, they will be able to give all their toys, all the money they receive, and all the food they have, and they will have a spirit of sacrifice. From my point of view, it's very beautiful to teach children to be generous, and to give from what they have, but children with the Moon in Pisces can give everything.

Let's say they are generous, but they will try to save, to save themselves, to save the children.

Children with the Moon in Pisces feel abandoned even if their mother is constantly with them, their father, and their grandmother. They still have a feeling that no one understands them, that no one feels them, and they withdraw into their world there.

The Moon in Pisces creates its scenarios and has another problem! It has an amazing co-dependency. They can't manage without someone, they can't interact with other children, and co-dependency doesn't come from the healthiest things.

The Moon in Pisces has a lot of resources, adapts easily, dreams, imagines, escapes, is creative, and wants to save everyone because they want to save themselves.

If you have children with the Moon in Pisces, do everything possible to teach them a little bit of the pragmatic side of life", said Daniela Simulescu.

What is the soul of a child-like if they have the Moon in Fire signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius? Daniela Simulescu: "They want to discover, to learn, to know!"

How is the soul of a child if they have the Moon in Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn! Daniela Simulescu: "Do not criticize THESE people!"

What is the soul of a child-like if they have the Moon in Air signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius? Daniela Simulescu: "They learn all the time!"


The websites recommended by astrologer Daniela Simulescu to find the position of the Moon at birth are:



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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc
Categorie: English

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