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Diana Rațiu emphasized that giving up the nap should not be done by parents because children tend to give it up on their own, and this process should take into account the child's age. According to the expert, theoretically, most children give up their naps between the ages of 3 and 6. However, starting at the age of 2, children may begin to show tendencies in this direction.
"The child's nap, usually, we shouldn't stop it ourselves because they sort of stop it themselves. We just need to consider the age.
Theoretically, the child gives up the nap between 3 and 6 years old. But from the age of 2, they start having this attempt where they might not want to sleep anymore. And then you, as a parent, don't think it's the right time because at 2 years old it certainly isn't, and you try to stick to the routine. Like: it's lunchtime, 1:00, let's go sleep. The child, let's say, can't sleep or doesn't want to sleep. We can offer them quiet time. 'Let's stay in your room for an hour, try to stay in bed, sit, however, you want to sit if you can't lie down, and let's rest a bit. Rest your little legs and hands. Let's stay here, let's talk softly.'
So, we don't give up the idea of bringing the child to the bedroom. It can certainly just be a phase. A phase that I went through and many parents go through. I mean, at some point, things settle down, and the child starts napping again", Diana Rațiu said on Present Parents, a show by ParintisiPitici.ro.
PHOTO: freepik.com @volodymyr-t
According to the certified consultant in infant and toddler sleep, when the child reaches a consistency where they no longer nap during the day, it is clear that the parent no longer needs to insist and try to put them to bed during the day.
"After 3 years old, if this happens consistently, we effectively respect those days. If we have a day without a nap, I take it as it is. I put my child to bed a little earlier than usual that evening. The theory says it's about 12 hours after waking up. So, if they woke up at 07:00, around 7:00 p.m., I went to put them to sleep if they didn't nap during the day. Then, when they reach a consistency where they don't nap six out of seven days, it's clear that it's not worth insisting anymore, and you focus on activities.
I would reach this point around 4 years old.
Some children still nap at 5-6 years old. It also depends a lot on the child's needs. If they have a great need for sleep, they sleep very well both during the day and at night. If their need is lower, I would drop this nap, and they will sleep for 12 hours at night. That would be ideal: when they drop their nap, they should sleep 12 hours at night", Diana Rațiu further explained.
PHOTO: freepik.com @glaushkina1
The host of the show, Loredana Iriciuc, asked Diana Rațiu if it's recommended to "force" a child to nap if they haven't slept the necessary 12 hours during the night. The consultant in infant and toddler sleep responded that it depends on their overall well-being.
"It depends on the child's age. If they are over 4 years old and sleep for 11 hours, that's fine. The important thing is for the child to be well, to see them happy, and energetic, with no change in their mood. If I notice they've accumulated some kind of tiredness, I might offer them a nap.
We shouldn't limit ourselves! The moment we stop the nap, 'that's it, never offering it again.' After all, even us adults nap sometimes, especially when on vacation. At 1:00, after spending time on the beach, how nice it is to have a nap in the coolness of the hotel room. And then we take the child with us.
So, it's not a restriction or something I give up forever. I try to offer it when I think it's appropriate or when I see them tired.
Or if we're on a vacation in the mountains, we've been active, we're all tired, let's try to nap. If you manage to sleep, great, if not, that's okay too. So, we don't force it", concluded Diana Rațiu.
Watch the full show:
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