Develop children's intelligence through play! Iuliana Baban: "It’s somewhat natural, but parents can support it through play!"
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The universe of childhood remains anchored in the fundamental elements of human development: play and imagination. Iuliana Baban, a speech therapist and psycho-pedagogue, provided valuable insights on the importance of play in stimulating intelligence and imagination during the "Părinți Prezenți" program. Alongside the show's host, Loredana Iriciuc, Iuliana Baban emphasized the essential role of play in raising intelligent children and explained how parents can contribute to this development.

Children's world is not just a refuge for fun but a fertile ground for their cognitive and emotional growth.

“The universe of children is represented by play, games, and their vibrant imagination, which we are happy to explore and stimulate by providing a suitable environment, surrounded by appropriate games that stimulate them”, said Iuliana Baban, during the "Părinți Prezenți" show, a program by

Specialist studies show that play is a central element in child development. Through play, children learn to solve problems, develop motor skills, and express their emotions. Additionally, play stimulates creativity and imagination, two essential traits for creating flexible and adaptable intelligence.

Iuliana Baban: "Intelligence, as a general ability, can be observed even in the infant stage"

PHOTO: @user17581499

In the context of the "Părinți Prezenți" show, Loredana Iriciuc asked: “Since we all want to have intelligent children, I want to start with this type of play that develops intelligence. What do you recommend for developing their intelligence?”

Iuliana Baban’s response highlights that: “Intelligence, as a general ability, can be observed even from the infant stage, from around 1 year old – for instance, when a baby uses an object to pull a toy closer that they can't reach and isn't able to move easily.”

Intelligence is not just an innate attribute but can also be supported and stimulated through play.

“Intelligence is somewhat natural, but we can support and stimulate it through any kind of play. As long as the play is in the company of an adult, it will be as structured as possible”, added Iuliana Baban.

This aspect of adult interaction is important because adults not only guide and accompany the child in exploring play but also contribute to developing a cognitive structure that helps the child understand and process information in an organized way.

In an era where technology and social pressures impact daily life, it's essential to remember the foundation of child development – play. By providing a conducive environment and actively involving adults in play activities, we can support not only the development of intelligence but also create a solid foundation for healthy emotional and cognitive growth.

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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc
Categorie: English

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