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The show's host, Loredana Iriciuc, editor-in-chief of ParintisiPitici.ro, asked what signs parents should watch for that indicate a potential weight problem. Nutrition counselor Anca Cooney Soare offered a series of guidelines for parents.
"The first warning sign is weight gain! We need to identify the Body Mass Index (BMI) to see if the child has a normal weight. If we can't do these calculations at home, we should consult a pediatrician who can make some recommendations. They can guide us to a nutritionist who will tell us if the child's weight is normal about their height and age", explains Anca Cooney Soare.
Another important sign is the accumulation of fat around the waist.
"We notice that the child has a bit of a belly", adds the expert. This can be an early sign that the little one is facing a weight problem.
Anca Cooney Soare says it is essential to identify the causes of this weight gain: "Why did they gain weight? We need to identify the causes that led to this weight gain: maybe an inadequate diet, maybe a lack of exercise, maybe too many cakes, chips, pretzels, ice cream, etc."
Unhealthy eating and lack of physical activity are among the most common reasons why children gain extra weight.
PHOTO: freepik.com @EyeEm
In addition to the obvious signs of excessive weight, other symptoms should catch our attention.
"Maybe the child complains of joint pain. There is excessive obesity there.
There may be breathing problems. Fat puts pressure on the lungs, and sleep apnea can occur.
In my opinion, it is best to seek the help of a specialist. (...) Let's not forget that a healthy adult is formed from a healthy child! So, if we are dealing with obesity at such a young age...
Obesity will become the number one disease! It is growing substantially worldwide!" added Anca Cooney Soare.
"Are there certain stages in a child's life when they are more prone to gaining weight?" asked host Loredana Iriciuc.
"In childhood, they are vulnerable", declares psychologist Renata Iancu. This vulnerability is because eating habits and exercise preferences are largely formed during this period. Thus, parents play a crucial role in shaping a healthy lifestyle.
"At the same time, from childhood, parents can make changes regarding their child's weight and diet", adds Renata Iancu.
This is a critical period in which parents can effectively intervene to correct unhealthy eating habits and encourage physical activity. It is easier to influence the eating behavior of young children because they are more receptive to parental guidance and routine changes.
PHOTO: freepik.com @kwanchaichaiudom
Another critical stage for weight gain is adolescence.
"There is also adolescence, where certain problems can arise", states Renata Iancu.
Adolescence is marked by significant hormonal and emotional changes that can influence body weight. In addition to rapid growth and physical changes, teenagers face emotional stress, social pressure, and changes in family dynamics.
"In addition to hormonal changes, there are also emotional changes that adolescents go through", explains Renata Iancu. These changes can lead to unhealthy eating behaviors, such as excessive consumption of high-calorie foods or skipping meals. Additionally, stress and anxiety can contribute to weight gain, as many teenagers may turn to food for emotional comfort.
Early intervention is essential to prevent long-term weight issues, the expert emphasizes: "When children are young, it is easier to change eating behavior."
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