Overloading children with tutoring and activities: The dangerous trap parents fall into. Oana Zapca: "We often don’t even know why we’re doing it!"
"The major difference is in the development of language.
In Asperger's, language develops normally according to age milestones - the child says words and makes associations between them by the age of 2, and speaks in sentences by the age of 3.
However, the language of these children may have certain peculiarities: although it is usually grammatically correct, it often has a particular, bizarre intonation and prosody, meaning they pronounce words rhythmically and with a certain accent. The vocabulary used is marked by formality and pedantry.
Additionally, they try to be communicative and sociable, but often fail to be accepted by their peers", said dr. Ioana Georgescu on Parents Present, a show by ParintisiPitici.ro.
Dr. Ioana Georgescu provided important clarifications regarding the diagnostic criteria for Asperger's syndrome, while also debunking some common myths.
"Another criterion for diagnosing children with this condition is their intellectual level, which must be normal or above average, meaning a minimum IQ of 90 points.
There is a myth that all people with Asperger's are geniuses. This is not true; it is enough to have an IQ above 90 and exhibit the specific characteristics of the autism spectrum to be diagnosed with Asperger's.
Of course, due to their restrictive interests, they can accumulate a lot of information in one area because they may spend an extreme amount of time reading or researching something. However, they often do this in a mechanical and non-useful manner", added the pediatric psychiatry specialist.
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