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According to psychologist Renata Iancu, the impact of this condition extends far beyond physical aspects, affecting self-esteem, social relationships, and ultimately the quality of life.
The first aspect highlighted by Renata Iancu on "Present Parents", a show by ParintisiPitici.ro, is the decrease in self-esteem in children suffering from obesity. These children are often the target of stigmatization, especially in the school environment.
"First of all, low self-esteem. These children, especially at school and not only there, are often stigmatized. In the long term, there will practically be an exclusion from the social environment, and these children will simply, through this stigmatization, isolate themselves and will likely become depressed", explains Renata Iancu.
Another important aspect is related to social relationships. Overweight children are often excluded from friendship groups and frequently face episodes of bullying.
"They won’t have many friends because, generally, overweight children are constantly excluded, and they may experience episodes of bullying, which leads to many of the problems", emphasizes Renata Iancu.
The effects of childhood obesity do not stop with childhood. If early intervention does not occur, overweight children can grow into adults who face the same issues.
"If measures are not taken in time, an overweight child who becomes an adult will not have relationships. There are few cases where they will marry or find a partner because they often isolate themselves and are also excluded from the social environment", warns psychologist Renata Iancu.
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According to nutritionist counselor Anca Cooney Soare, this condition profoundly affects the harmonious development of children and can lead to multiple health problems that extend into adulthood. One of the most serious consequences of childhood obesity is the development of metabolic issues.
“Metabolic problems can arise, such as type II diabetes, which is a lifestyle-related disease; cardiovascular issues can develop; respiratory problems can occur”, explains Anca Cooney Soare.
Another important aspect highlighted by Anca Cooney Soare is the disrupted development of children affected by obesity: “The child does not develop harmoniously due to this obesity.”
Childhood obesity also has specific effects on girls, particularly concerning hormonal balance.
“In girls, hormonal issues arise, such as the onset of menstruation much earlier; we are talking about early menstruation here. During adolescence, there are hormonal imbalances”, details Anca Cooney Soare.
Overall, childhood obesity affects most systems in the body.
“Obesity, on a physical level, has a very significant impact on the body”, concludes Anca Cooney Soare.
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