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"The lack of recognition of Asperger's syndrome in the past is due to a mix of historical, cultural, and scientific factors.
The term 'Asperger's syndrome' was introduced relatively recently in psychiatry textbooks - in the 1990s; until then, the diagnostic criteria were not well-defined", explained Dr. Ioana Georgescu.
"In the past, the characteristics of the condition were misinterpreted or associated with other diseases, and people in general stigmatized and marginalized individuals with atypical or unusual behaviors", added the pediatric psychiatry specialist.
Asperger's syndrome is often diagnosed later in life compared to other forms of autism spectrum disorders.
"In the past, the focus was more on childhood disorders, such as classic infantile autism, and children with more subtle traits of Asperger's might have gone unnoticed or not received a correct diagnosis", continued Dr. Georgescu.
This was largely due to the lack of knowledge and awareness of the syndrome during that time.
In recent decades, education and research in the field of autism spectrum disorders have seen significant progress.
"Better education, research, and awareness in recent decades have significantly contributed to the recognition and understanding of this condition", emphasized Dr. Georgescu. This progress has facilitated the correct and early diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome, thus providing affected individuals and their families access to necessary support and resources.
Another important factor mentioned by Dr. Ioana Georgescu is the increased accessibility to medical care. In the past, people were less inclined to consult specialists for behavioral or developmental issues, often preferring to ignore or minimize these difficulties. Nowadays, there is greater openness and recognition of the importance of early interventions, leading to more effective diagnosis and treatment.
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