Why do parents forget their kids in cars? Psychologist Renata Iancu explains: "Human memory is NOT perfect, errors can happen, and it can happen to anyone!"
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Every year, dozens of children lose their lives after being forgotten by their parents in cars on hot summer days. Psychologist Renata Iancu explained to ParintisiPitici.ro this phenomenon known as "forgotten baby syndrome" . She detailed the psychological and cognitive factors contributing to these devastating incidents.

"Forgetfulness of children in cars is a tragic phenomenon that can be explained by understanding how human memory and cognitive processes work. This is known as 'forgotten baby syndrome,' and there are several psychological and cognitive factors that contribute to such incidents.

For example, prospective memory involves remembering to carry out an intended action in the future, such as removing a child from the car. This type of memory can fail, especially when routine activities are interrupted.

If we are stressed or distracted, it can lead to errors in short-term memory", Renata Iancu said to PărințișiPitici.ro.

Cognitive overload

Today, we are often required to juggle multiple tasks simultaneously. According to psychologist Renata Iancu, this overload increases the likelihood that a parent will forget that they have left their child in the car.

"Modern life often involves multitasking and dealing with various stressors, which can lead to cognitive overload.

When a parent's mind is occupied with multiple tasks, work stress, or personal issues, their cognitive resources are stretched, increasing the likelihood of forgetting", the psychologist explains.

Lack of visual or auditory cues

Another significant factor is the lack of visual or auditory cues.

"If the child is sleeping or quiet, there are fewer reminders for the parent to alert them that the child is present. This lack of cues can lead to forgetting the child, especially during busy or stressful times", Renata Iancu explained.

PHOTO: freepik.com @EyeEm

False memories

The human brain tends to fill memory gaps with information based on routine behavior. As a result, parents may form false memories that they have already left their child safely, when in fact they have not.

"Sometimes, parents can form a false memory that they have already left the child because their mind fills in gaps based on routine behavior.

Parents may be aware of the danger but still, forget the child in the car. So, we cannot say it is due to neglect.

It is important to understand that human memory is not perfect, that errors occur, and that it can happen to anyone.

What’s crucial is to develop various strategies to help prevent these tragedies when changes in daily routine occur", psychologist Renata Iancu explained.

Study: Children left in sun-exposed cars can die within an hour

A child left in a car parked under the sun for an hour can suffer from severe hyperthermia, which can lead to death.

Research conducted by Arizona State University and the University of San Diego in California has shown that temperatures inside a car exposed directly to the sun can quickly reach dangerous levels.

Although there is no precise temperature at which heatstroke occurs, it is estimated that if a child's body temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius for an extended period, the risk of death is significant.

The study found that in hot weather conditions, the average temperature inside a car parked in the sun for an hour can reach 46.7 degrees Celsius. In the shade, the temperature inside a car can reach 37.8 degrees Celsius after the same period.

Negative effects of hyperthermia can begin at temperatures below 40 degrees Celsius, and survivors of such exposure may suffer severe damage to the brain and other organs.

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Autorul articolului: Loredana Iriciuc
Categorie: English

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