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"I think it depends on each child", emphasized the psychotherapist. "There might be a child who experiences very high anxiety for all three."
However, Diana Todeancă outlined a subtle hierarchy of the emotional challenges that exams bring into the lives of young students. "I believe the most challenging one is the first, the transition from 4th to 5th grade because it's the first exam in children's lives and their first experience of this kind. It's the first context in which they face and learn how to manage their emotions alongside an evaluation that matters. It can be more difficult."
Arguing for the significance of this first exam, the psychotherapist highlighted that this moment is crucial for children's emotional development, teaching them how to handle pressure and evaluation.
Additionally, Diana Todeancă warned that we should not underestimate the other transition exams in a student's school life.
"But let's not underestimate the importance of the other exams because they are also very significant. It depends on the child. There are more sensitive children, more emotional children, and children who are naturally more anxious and afraid of many things, not just exams.
And for those children, every exam is equally stressful, perhaps even every quiz or assignment", the expert added.
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